by Web Master | Nov 27, 2017 | Event Updates
Inauguration of EToilets by Service Projects Chairman, Rtn. PP R R Patel NOVEMBER 27, 2017 As part of the Literacy India’s TEACH Mission, another set of 2 eToilets were inaugurated by our Charter Secretary & Service Projects Chairman 17-18 Rtn. PP R R Patel,...
by Mohit Gupta | Sep 19, 2016 | Event Notifications, Gallery
RBWC handed over 2 pending school e toilets in an inauguration on Monday the 19.09.2016 at 11.30am from Beevinamara Colony. Our T.E.A.C.H. Chairman presided over this. Some Glimpses (Click on thumbnails for larger images). et04et03et02et01et08et07et06et05...
by Mohit Gupta | Jun 29, 2016 | Event Updates, Notifications
E toilets inauguration was done at 3 schools today with support of our CSR partner. The CSR initiatives of Rtn Manoj Kabre set the ball rolling .....