Our District Governor’s visit yesterday was very successful. The DG was extremely happy with the vibrance of our team in the closed door meeting. The DG & Vice DG was moved by our adoption of the village of Naganayakanakote. The visit to the village was really appreciated.

Sincere thanks and gratitude to our Charter President on behalf of our entire team of RBWC.

Every project we have done so far was highly appreciated. The Vice Governor made a special mention that our team is exceptional to galvanise corporates soon after demonitization & GST as not many clubs were unable to do this year. Taking this opportunity, Dist. Sec. Rtn. Anil Gupta recommended to DG that Whitefield Central must be recognised at the District level.

Besides, our long time dream of Global Grant will be completed as committed by DG in her speech.

We showcased most of our completed projects which was impressive.

Thanks to Rtn. Rajan Batra for fantastic venue and other arrangements. The staff were courteous and responsive. All the district officials and co-presidents were very happy. The DG’s first impression on her arrival was raised eyebrows with big smile. She also mentioned about ambience making a difference in people’s mind.

Thanks to Rtn. Bharath for the meeting in Rtn. Ajay’s office to complete the tasks from GOV checklist. Rtn. Ajay’s experience of supporting every official function was commendable.

Rtn. Amit’s contributions also deserve an applaud. Rtn. Vandana contributed to arranging the stage part.

Certainly, great work by all Past Presidents to make RBWC what we are today, under the guidance and monitoring of Charter a President.

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